Korean War Memorial
This memorial includes a 10-foot tall stainless steel working sundial that pays tribute to the 54,246 Americans who died in the Korean War and to the veterans who returned. It bears the inscription “Diem Adimere Aegritudinem Hominibus,” which means “Time heals all wounds.” Additional installations have been added to the site over the years, including recognition of veterans of the Battle of Chosin Reservoir.
Location Details
6 a.m. - 10 p.m. (Park hours)
Although the Armistice ending the Korean War would still be more than two years in the future, on July 2, 1951, St. Louisans dedicated a large floral clock near the Jewel Box to honor all those participating in the conflict. Over 35 feet in diameter, it was planted with 25,000 flowers.
A quarter of a century later, the clock had deteriorated and vandals had damaged it. In 1989, a more permanent monument was installed on the site. The new memorial, a 10-foot tall stainless steel working sundial, keeps the clock’s theme of “time” and is a tribute to the 54,246 Americans who died in the war and to the veterans who returned. It bears the inscription “Diem Adimere Aegritudinem Hominibus,” which means “Time heals all wounds.”
The design is by a St. Louis native, Brother Mel Meyers, of the Marianist religious order. The Nooter Corporation constructed and donated the work, and Anheuser-Busch was also a project sponsor. Three flagpoles were donated by Local 25 United Auto Workers, Amvets Post 25, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4155 and other groups. They fly the American, Korean and POW-MIA flags. On the 50th anniversary of the July 27, 1953, Armistice, the Missouri Chapter of Korean War Veterans Association dedicated additions to the memorial, including four granite benches, each representing a chartered area chapter and one recognizing the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, and two black granite tablets which stand six feet tall and rest on a base of gray granite. Inscribed on the tablets are the names of the 258 men and women from St. Louis City, St. Louis County and St. Charles and Jefferson counties who died in the Korean War.